Stand With Ukraine

Frequently Asked Questions

a lot of cases have been covered in Cookbook, but here I just want to cover some of the questions I've been asked from the other users

Can I create variable in Django admin before one was created in

Yes. Check User Defined Variables

Can I change settings in code?

Well, you can change value in models.ContentSetting instance, that would trigger the chaching update procedure, but I don't think it is a right way to use it.

Feel free to post an issue where you can explain a usecase where it is useful.

Why are there two functions, give and to_python, when most of the time the first one just returns what it receives as input?

The function give is designed to adapt data specifically for use in the project's code, while to_python converts a string value into a Python object. The key difference between these two functions is that the conversion to a Python object occurs when there are changes in the string value or at the project's startup. In contrast, adaptation happens when this data is requested (from attribute or from ).

Why it is still version 0?

I'm still working on design of the module, the name of the types might be changes soon. Version 1 - will have a much more stable design